Production Line Evaluation


The Asia Quality One Production Line Evaluation service is an in-depth and complete study of the assembly line where your goods will be produced. It's aimed to those products you are especially concerned about, where quality parts and timely deliveries are critical.

On this service the Asia Quality One Quality Assurance team will initially communicate with the factory to gather all the production information available related to your goods, to later attend an actual production run to analyse and evaluate it in detail.

With all the information collected Asia Quality One will generate a comprehensive and detailed report to provide you full visibility on every detail of the production process, including:

  • The production documentation, translated to English, such as the production flowchart, the work instructions and the control plan.
  • A Production Failures Mode Effects Analysis (PFMEA), to identify any potential risks of the production process, so the adequate preventive actions can be implemented on time to avoid running into production issues.
  • Any identified production line shortcomings or issues, so the adequate corrective actions can be implemented on time to avoid running into production issues.
  • Each workstation cycle time and the overall estimated production capacity.
  • Defects rate and analysis per workstation.
  • Videos showing each workstation procedure (at factory's discretion).

With the report of the Production Line Evaluation on hand you will have a complete understanding of how the factory is producing your goods, and will be adequately informed to have the factory doing any necessary improvements on it. For this Asia Quality One offers a Quality Improvement service, where the Quality Assurance team will continue working with the factory on any preventive actions or corrective actions required.