Region 1

Audits 2

per auditor-day

Inspections 3

per inspector-day

Business Check 4

per business
  1. Asia Quality One standard services are only provided on the regions included in this list. Please contact us if you require services at a different region.
  2. Audit Price per auditor-day (one auditor during one day) in United States Dollars (USD) payable upon service order. The quantity of auditor-days required for the audit of a given factory will be quoted after submitting the Factory Audit Order.
  3. Inspection Price per inpector-day (one inspector during one day) in United States Dollars (USD) payable upon service order. The quantity of inspector-days required for the inspection of a given products lot will be specified in the Inspection Plan. This price does not include the Inspection Plan priced at 109 USD and required to be purchased before ordering inspections of any given product never inspected by Asia Quality One.
  4. Business Check price per business checked in United States Dollars (USD) payable upon service order. Service only available in China.