Your Supplier Quality Team in Asia

Asia Quality One Limited (AQO) is an independent third-party supplier quality control and quality assurance services company, trusted by importers whose supply chain extends into Asia. AQO offers, among other services, factory audits and product inspections that help achieve the best performance regards quality from Asian factories.

Based in Hong Kong, AQO is composed of international managers who know and understand what importers expect regards quality, and local auditors and inspectors who are fluent with the factory employees language and understand their culture. Thus, facing both sides of the supply deal, AQO achieves to bring into it the quality an importer expects from its Asian supplier.

AQO makes it a mission to be your Asian on-site partner for supplier quality services, providing the necessary flexibility to accommodate your necessities, and to 'provide solutions to your problems'.

AQO Business Ethics and its employees code of conduct are based on:

  • Impartiality.
  • Honesty.
  • Confidentiality.