Control the quality of your purchased goods.
Avoid receiving defective products.


Incoming Material Inspection

Verify if those critical materials or components received at a factory meet the required specifications before being processed down the production line.


Production Monitoring Inspection

An inspection performed on your goods as they move along the production line, inspecting every single product being manufactured.


Finished Goods Inspection

Ensure that the products manufactured at a factory meet your specifications before being shipped to you.


Container Loading Inspection

Ensure the goods you've purchased are correctly loaded into the shipping container.

Order a Product Inspection at your Asia supplier factory today

What's the process of an Asia Quality One Product Inspection?
  • 1
    Inspection Plan order
    (first time inspections only)
  • 2
    Inspection Service order
  • 3
    Onsite Inspection
  • 4
    Inspection Report
1. Inspection Plan order
(first time inspections only)

Before performing the inspection of any product we need a Product Inspection Plan. This document is generated only for your new products we've never inspected before and it details important information related to the inspection service such as the Inspection Checklist, the Inspection Level, the Acceptance Quality Levels for different defects categories and the quantity of man/days required to inspect different product lot sizes.

To achieve a detailed Inspection Plan it’s important we get from you detailed information regards your product. We will generate the Inspection Plan and send it to you for your approval.

2. Inspection Service order

Once the Inspection Plan has been approved and you've placed your goods purchase order to the factory it's time to order the product inspection.

3. Onsite Inspection

The Asia Quality One inspections team will go to the factory on the scheduled date to perform the on-site inspection according to the approved Inspection Plan.

4. Inspection Report

Once the on-site inspection is complete we will generate your comprehensive and detailed Inspection Report and send it to you within 10 hours. This report includes valuable information such as the inspection result (passed or failed), an inspection summary, a list of all the non-conformities found with photos of them and the recommended actions to take based on this information.