Finished Goods Inspection


The Asia Quality One Finished Goods Inspection service ensures that the products manufactured at a factory meet your specifications before being shipped to you.

Avoid paying and receiving defective or unsafe goods and preserve your company and brand reputation for its quality products. Shipping goods back to the country of origin for rework is usually not an option due to the high freight, duties and time costs, thus any defective parts you receive will have to be reworked at your own country or, in a worst case scenario, scrapped.

At Asia Quality One we believe each product is different, having its own features and characteristics, thus inspections are performed based on a pre-established and totally customised Inspection Plan for your product. The main purpose of the Inspection Plan for a Finished Goods Inspection is to describe the sampling plan (basically how many samples be taken from the production lot) and the inspection checklist (what will be checked on each product sample). At Asia Quality One we don’t work with standard inspection templates to avoid errors or inaccuracies of the service we provide to your business.

Once the on-site Finished Goods Inspection has finished a detailed and comprehensive report will be generated based on all the data collected, so you will have a complete understanding of the quality of your products in order to decide if they can be shipped or need to be reworked.

The Asia Quality One Finished Goods Inspection can occur when the complete lot has been produced or when only a portion of it is ready. Inspecting the finished products when only a portion of the complete lot is ready has the advantage of identifying defects at an early stage of the production run, thus it simplifies any required negotiation with the factory for reworks or corrections.